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Happiness (And it's okay, it's freeing to know.)

Sometimes, just sometimes, I hope that someone can be happy for me just as I was for them; to rejoice in achievements of the little & bigger dreams, to affirm, to encourage.

But I'm also learning that you need to own your own happiness.

You can't expect someone to be happy for you in order for you

to be, to feel, happy.

And that's okay, it's freeing to know. Because sometimes the love you wish from a friend doesn't return to you even though you thought she/he valued you just as you valued them.

And your heart breaks a little, especially if you're an empath - someone who experiences an opposite party's feelings to a great depth.

And that's okay, it's freeing to know. You realise that you should never invest your emotional resources wholly into another human being.

Not that you shall shut down all human connection in this second and hide in a cave.

But what I meant was to take care of yourself by starting with yourself first - tell yourself that "you've made it!"

You're finally realising a mini-dream you never expect to come true, not in a million years, but at least in 2019.

Your milestone deserves to be celebrated. YOU deserve to be celebrated! And you should rejoice over yourself. But more importantly, your Creator rejoices you over singing & dancing even before you do so for yourself. (Zephaniah 3:17)

Not neglecting your perseverance and endurance of living through this life to see this day. You're alive to seize this opportunity so embrace the chance given to you and savour this moment.

Your happiness begins with you.

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